Free Web Development Roadmap / From Zero To Hero

This Roadmap Is Totally Free. Anyone Can Follow It.

Basics Of Web Development

Course Duration: approximately 24 Hours
Languages Covered: HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Source: Apna College

Learning Tailwind CSS

Course Duration: As Much You Can Give
Languages Covered: CSS Framework (Tailwind CSS)
Source: Official Tailwind CSS Documentation

Learning Bootstrap

Course Duration: As Much You Can Give
Languages Covered: CSS Framework (Bootstrap)
Source: Official Bootstrap Documentation

Learning React.JS

Course Duration: 1 Hour 20 Minutes
Languages Covered: JavaScript Framework (React)
Source: Programming with Mosh

Learning Next.JS

Course Duration: 1 Hour
Languages Covered: JavaScript Framework (Next)
Source: Programming with Mosh

Practicing CSS

Course Duration: As Much You Can Give
Languages Covered: CSS Practice
Source: CSS Battle

Practicing Overall Web Development

Course Duration: As Much You Can Give
Languages Covered: Overall Practice
Source: LeetCode

Creating You Own Projects (Like A Simple And Responsive Portfolio)



Visual Studio Code Is Recommended, But You Can Use Any Other Code Editors If You Want.


You Can Use These VSCode Extensions For Better Experience.

Extension Name What It Does
Prettier Code Formatting
Live Server Creates A Localhost Port To See
The Website While We're Building It.
IntelliCode AI-Assisted Development Features.
Auto Rename Tag Automatically Renames The
Ending/Starting Tag When The
Other One Is Changed In HTML.
Github Theme Github Themes For VSCode.
Material Icon Theme Icon Theme For VSCode Explorer.

If you encounter information beyond your scope, consult MDN Web Docs or Stack Overflow rather than relying on AI.

Mastering all of this would take about a year, while grasping the basics could be achieved in around three months.